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Hello World! This is the personal website of Andreas Brombach! >^•-•^<
Right now, this feels more like a playground and less like a professional website. But there are lots of things to learn and lots of things to try, so this might change again soon.
ᓚᘏᗢ $ whoami
I recently graduated from ETH Zurich in Computer Science. Previously, I was working as an intern at the Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab, where I extended the application from my Master's thesis into a crowdsourcing platform to learn more about the effects of passive social media use.
Now I am ready to leave the comfortable university environment, put my acquired skills into practice, face new challenges and take my first career steps. My interests lie in the field of human-computer interaction, software engineering, mobile development as well as security.
In my free time, I like to work out, go on geocaching hunts, or do some occasional tinkering with IoT devices. $ education
2020 - 2023
- ETH Zurich - M.Sc. Computer Science
2014 - 2020
- ETH Zurich - B.Sc. Computer Science $ experience
During my studies, I familiarized myself with many different programming languages and the underlying concepts. I am most familiar with Python and Java, but I'm now also getting along quite well with JavaScript (Vue.JS) and Kotlin. I know my way around C, C++ and MATLAB, and I spend a few month working with Haskell and OCaml.
As part of my Bachelor's thesis, I focused with the topics of mixed reality, mobility and mobile development. During my Master's degree, I continued to work on these topics. Also, it sparked my interest in Human Computer Interaction and Affective Computing, so delved deeper into this area for my Master's thesis. In doing so, I was able to deepen my knowledge of the Android platform and also gain experience in front-end development through my work as a research assistant.